Dear Family,My good friend, Father David Russell, with whom I was stationed for many years of ministry, offered a bit of wisdom that I never quite so appreciated until now: “Except for Christmas decorations, if you haven’t used it in six months, throw it out!” Too late...
The process of packing is something I’m sure many of you have been through. Over the years, after seminary, I didn’t have to do it too often. But I guess that’s part of the problem; I didn’t need to “throw out” too often either.
On Friday, the 2nd (Happy Birthday, Pat) we heard a reading from the Book of Sirach. It was recalling godly people whose names and faces are forgotten, “
Yet these were godly men whose virtues have not been forgotten;
Their wealth remains in their families,
their heritage with their descendants;
...and for all time their progeny will endure, their glory will never be blotted out.” (Sir 44: 9-13)
I added the italics. Look around you and you will see virtue being lived out by folk whose virtue came from a long line of people who they don’t know, but whose virtues passed from one generation to another.
Since I don’t have any kids you and all the people who have enjoyed or endured 55 years of my ministry - there were many people in both categories, are my progeny.
On a very personal level, I am happiest when I get the sense that God hears my prayer: “Lord, please don’t let me get in the way.”
It’s another way of asking that one’s ministry simply be a conduit of His goodness. What more could we ask for? That’s a definition of ministry that all of us can use: “Let me be your pipeline, Lord.”
The Church is celebrating a three-year national revival of our belief in the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ. The goal of the three-year event is to revive the Eucharistic faith among Catholics in the U.S.
Eucharist is at the core of who we are and what we do. It is Jesus, present! ...among us! ...for us!
Last year the diocese examined its life and practice. We begin the second year with a focus on parish life. Next Saturday we will have a small Eucharist procession after our 5:00 p.m. Mass.
As you know we already have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays, and hopefully during the year we will have some more activities to heighten our sense of the blessings of the Eucharist. There is a wonderful prayer, Anima Christi, that comes to us from St. Ignatius of Loyola. I love this rhymed version. Hope you will, too.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, be my sanctification,
Body of Christ, be my salvation,
Blood of Christ, fill all my veins,
Water of Christ’s side, wash out my stains.
Passion of Christ, my comfort be,
O Good Jesus, listen to me.
In your wounds I seek to hide
Never to be parted from your side.
Guard me should the foe assail me,
Call me when my life shall fail me.
Bid me come to Thee above,
With thy saints, to sing thy love.
World without end. Amen
As always, may all we do be,
In Jesus,