2000 Marietta (S.E. 25th) Avenue ~ Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

(954) 524-9344 ~ Fax : (954) 524-9347


Twilight Twitches

March 6, 2016

Fourth Sunday of Lent - by Nancy Adams
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
As you all know Monsignor Fetscher is in the midst of his physical repair work. He is now slowly recovering from his open heart surgery. From the cards and greetings he has received on the web site CaringBridge.org/visit (under the name jimfetscher) we know he is being closely watched and prayed for by his many friends.  Please keep the prayers and good thoughts coming. The goal is to have him ready to celebrate with the Parish on Holy Saturday.

February 28, 2016

fetscherThird Sunday of Lent
Dear Family,
First of all I want to thank Mark and Noreen Rohleder who are the great proprietors of Waxy O’Connors Irish Pub (over the bridge on 17th Street on the way to grandma’s house.) I can’t tell you how unhappy I was about missing what seems to have been a major enjoyable event for our parish.

Andy Cooney’s Show was loved by all and fed to a glorious fare by Mark and Noreen. Their food was great and they brought a bit of the pub to Cooney’s show. Andy himself was thrilled with the turnout and the enthusiasm flowed over to the calendar so that before he left we have scheduled February 4, 2017 as the next show.

February 21, 2016

fetscherSecond Sunday of Lent
Dear Family,
Well, its Tuesday the 16th as I write. We just had the storm that uprooted one of our tabebuia argentas. Leo the tree man is coming and today - Sunday the 21st -you’ll see if he had any success. I’m hopeful because he planted our 18 Geiger trees and they all came through.

What a week! We started Lent with our parish retreat. Father Tom Boyer was surely a gift of the Holy Spirit. He’s been “retired” for more than three years and spends time between Naples where is sister and brother-in-law live, and Oklahoma City, his home diocese. He’s been giving missions to both priests and people and is enjoying his ministry a lot.

February 14, 2016

fetscherDear Family,
On top of all the other things we celebrate today, Happy Valentine’s Day. There’s all kinds of history about the day, but I think I just want to think about people willing to offer their love to one another. Hopefully we don’t limit it to one day, but maybe one day will help us sharpen our skills on all the other days.

Today we are welcoming Father Tom Boyer for our Lenten parish retreat. For those of you who are reading this Twitch early online before the weekend, stop this minute and say a prayer for Tom and for all of us who come to be refreshed.

As I’ve said before, I’m so happy I finally was able to get a parish retreat at the very beginning of Lent. Hopefully this can be a year where we really can focus on the Lord’s gift of hisdeath for us, and His Resurrection that restores us to eternal life.

Saturday 5 pm
(Sunday Vigil)
Sunday 8:30 am, 11 am
and 6:00 pm
Weekdays 8:30 am
(Mon. through Fri.)
Holy Days
(Schedule varies)





photo church

2000 Marietta (S.E. 25th) Avenue ~ Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Parish Office : (954) 524-9344 ~Fax : (954) 524-9347
E-Mail : info@stsebastianfl.org