February 7, 2016
Dear Family,
This week we begin Lent with Ash Wednesday. Before I go farther, I want to recommend you check out
<http://www.catholic.org/clife/lent/ashwed.php> That’s the site for Catholic Online. I thought their treatment of Ash Wednesday was great and worth your time.
Basically we enter into a period of prayer and reflection to ready ourselves once again for the celebration of the great Easter feast, the feast of our Redemption from the effects of sin. We had been cut off and through His loving sacrifice of life, Jesus restored our access to the Father and eternal life. That surely is worth our time and prayer and reflection.
If you don’t count the Sundays of Lent, which is a breathing time each week, we have 40 days in Lent that remind us of the time Jesus himself spent in the desert getting ready for his mission.